Transform your life with

The Reimagined Soul


Soulwork & Energy Healing Package

Fall in love with taking care of yourself.
Mind. Body. Spirit.

There is more. You feel it, you crave it, you’ve been seeking it.
You know you are meant for more.

I invite you to embrace all parts of yourself, and become comfortable in your skin. Become so confident in who you are that no one's opinion or rejection can rock you.

But how?

Through the powerful combination of Breathwork, Reiki, and Soul Coaching, you can release all the outdated energy, stories, limiting beliefs, trapped trauma and grief. You've been carrying that stuff in your body for too long. Let it go with each exhale, with inspired action, and start uncovering your voice, your self-worth and boundaries.

Are you ready to be an energetic match for all that you've been manifesting? Are you ready to raise your energetic frequency?

It's time to clear out stagnant energy, old stories, and limiting beliefs and upgrade to some high vibrational energy. It's time to tap into your fullest potential. It's time to go within and realize you are limitless. Take inspired action, a step forward. Get comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your authentic self.

I'll guide you through Breathwork, Reiki and soul coaching, so you can claim your expansive life.

Feed your soul, love your body,
expand your mind.

The Reimagined Soul
Coaching &
Energy Healing Package

Where attention goes, energy flows.

Soul coaching is a sacred opportunity for you to become clear and authentic in who you are so we can dive deep within and access it.

In the Soul Coaching session, I will guide you to define your ultimate goals and then we will raise and optimize your energetic frequency in the energy healing sessions. You will become a vibrational match for your ultimate goals.


1 Soul Coaching Session (virtual option)
45 minutes

2 Energy Healing Private Sessions
60 minutes each

$465 package price

If you are feeling the tug or pull towards taking a step forward in your life, this is your chance. This is a sacred opportunity for you to speak your truth and live a life that embodies your highest potential

Book a call with me and let’s chat!

Let the weight of it all go, with each exhale, and get closer to your truth with each inhale.

Remember Who You Are!